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Writer's pictureHannah Hernandez

Good Samaritan

"(Jesus) answered, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’; and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’" Luke 10:27


We were sick most of the week that we studied the Good Samaritan, so we didn't get quite as many activities in as I had hoped. We did though, read the story from many different Bible books, and also watched a few kids videos on it. Our activity was creating a play scene to use in re-telling the story. (-which they could do well by the end of the week!)

Doctor Station

Set up a doctor station with babies/stuffed animals, beds, and doctor kits. Encourage your child to play doctor often (throughout the week - or duration of your lesson theme). We rotated toys and brought our Doctor Station into the family room so it was more visibe and accessible. Talk about how a doctor takes care of people who are sick and hurt and how that's what the Samaritan man did in the story that Jesus told.

Good Samaritan Story Folder

These file folders turned out super cute. I'm attaching a pdf of the story I told as we acted it out with our characters, as well as a pdf to print and color of the men in the story.

To make the file folder: Draw a simple scene with a road and bushes on the bottom of the folder. attach a velcro strip in the road for the jewish man and three velcro strips on the upper half of the file folder for the other three men. Print and color the character page. I suggest coloring and laminating for durability, or use heavy cardstock. Cut out and place the other half of the velcro strips on the backs of the characters. I also put check marks and red "X's" on the backs of the characters to help my children know which man was the Samaritan.

Download Story Here

Download Printable Characters Here

Bandaids for the Hurt Man

I wanted a good bandaid activity where the kids could just go crazy with unwrapping and sticking bandaids everywhere. These foamie men I found at Hobby Lobby a while back and they suited us well for this craft. I gave eveyone a red marker and let them put "boo boos" on their man, and then pulled out the cheapest bandaids I could find at HEB. They got really excited when they realized I was going to let them "do it by themselves" (haha). After they had finished "bandaging", I spontaneously decided to flip their file folder over and draw a quick bed on the back. They put their man to bed and covered him with a kleenex. Once again we talked about how kindly the Samaritan man took care of the Jewish man, even though they were "not friends". Because that's how God wants us to treat others. Love God. Love people.

For more ideas, resources, video and book links, check out my new Pinterest board!

Until next time friends!


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